Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Spoken words...

During the past couple of days I've been...captured by stories told by poets of Passion for Christ Movement (P4CM).  They have challenged me, given me new perspective, they have brought things to light which I rarely thought of or considered.  Through their experiences and words, they have helped me to see more, feel more, understand more...

hope they do the same for you...

Here are some that moved me.
(To God be the glory)

Ready or Not by Janette...ikz & Ezekiel

"I will wait for you" by Official P4CM Poet JANETTE...IKZ

Identity Crisis of a Misfit by Ezekiel

Only the Good Die Young

P4CM Presents I Promised I Wouldn't Tell! by Featured RHETORIC Poet J"O" Speaks

Friday, June 15, 2012

Need a pair of glasses? Try Warby Parker.

A while back a friend let me know about this company. 
Now that it's about time to get my eyes rechecked, they kinda came back to mind. 

So if you haven't heard, this is Warby Parker.  And with a name like that how could you forget it? 

Check them out when you need a pair of new glasses or shades (men or women).  You'd be helping yourself AND someone else who could really use it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Something about worship & anointing

This past Sunday we went to church at SRM Kona. If you're in Kona on a Sunday, go check them out for sure.  But it was a good day.  God showed me stuff about worship and I guess wanted me to see/understand/experience something about anointing.

Now for me, anointing is a funny word.  I understand/understood it to be when God's blessing or God's hand is on someone for a certain task.  But it kinda always meant: skillful.  I though that was the church word for skillful:  Anointed.

Oh, that person was an anointed speaker...means that person gave a great message.

Just fill in the blank for ministry...worship leader, guitar player, singer, children's worker, etc.

But last Sunday during worship at SRM, there was an anointing I believe.  Not necessarily on the whole team, I would say...but at least one, for sure.  My father-in-law.  It was weird because I have been to this church so many times before and have experienced their worship and church and only once have I ever felt something similar.  The one time before was when Jimmy Bohol lead a song.  Kind of a husky bigger guy, broad shoulders, dark skin, hair slicked back, huge smile.  Didn't really have the best voice but he had a nice voice.  The thing about it was he had cancer.  He was dying.  Yet he lead on stage with passion and praised the Lord with all that he had.  You would never know he had cancer or that he would die soon by watching him praise the LORD.

I thought to myself, "Wow, that is worship."

...I cried a little that day because I saw a man who loved the Lord so much and I saw myself who needs to love so much more.

So this past Sunday, nearly the same thing.

My father in law was just doing his thing...playing bass.  But every time I turned my eyes to him, something between my heart and throat started to well up. So I would turn away...and it would go away.  Till finally, I just locked in on him...and just like that, tears started to flow.  It wasn't that I was blown away with his musicianship (which I was cause he's really really good), it wasn't that I was suddenly convicted of some major sin in my life (which I probably should have been), the song that they were playing has been played many times before, but it was more that he was just "in his own world", giving glory to God.

That is what my eyes saw.  That is what my heart felt.

Anointing, I don't believe is just so we can say, "Wow, that person is really great or anointed at what they do," or "Look how God anointed them!"

It's has to be about, that person really loves God. Then somehow when God infuses them with his spirit for that time or season...something happens...something affects us...deep in our soul and somehow we are closer to God.

To God be the glory.

What does anointed mean to you?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Song time - Oh My Soul (the rewrite)

I've heard it preached/taught before that David was commanding his soul to praise God (in Psalm 103:1NASB).  That despite the hardships and difficulties we encounter (or bring upon ourselves), God is worthy to be praised and we need to remind ourselves of that...we need to sometimes command our soul to praise the Lord.

So here is the 3rd re-write of this song.  I think it is finished...
(Also I kinda messed up while singing it, but I'm too lazy to fix it up...and it doesn't sound THAT bad.)

Anyways...here we go again.

Oh My Soul

Oh my soul
Oh my soul
Oh my soul
Praise the Lord

He is good, He is good
and His love forever endures
He is peace, He is peace
Comfort for all who are in need
He is hope, He is hope
Like the dawn comes our Savior
He is God, He is God
Glorious, Sing my soul
sing now

Holy is the Lord
Holy is the Lord

Let everything within me
respond to all my eyes see
through the veil of faith and the living Word
Holy Spirit come let me see the hope
That I have in You
You alone are worthy to be praised
Hallelujah Hallelujah